● Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity?
Edited by Christopher J. Coyne, et al.
Summary via publisher (Independent Institute)
What will the economy look like in fifty years? How will our lives as consumers and workers be transformed by the coming innovations in technology, the marketplace, and the workplace? How will changes in demographics and dependency affect our political system? Will economic freedom rise or fall? What, if anything, would greater prosperity do for one’s total well-being? Future: Economic Peril or Prosperity? poses these and related questions to a diverse group of economists whose predictions will inspire thoughtful consideration and debate. As co-editor Robert M. Whaples writes in the introductory chapter, “The predicted changes range from innocent innovations that will make life a bit more comfortable…to potentially chilling technologies that might strip our human dignity.”
● The Disrupted Workplace: Time and the Moral Order of Flexible Capitalism
By Benjamin H. Snyder
Summary via publisher (Oxford University Press)
The twenty-first century workplace compels Americans to be more flexible, often at a cost to their personal well-being. In The Disrupted Workplace, Benjamin Snyder examines how three groups of American workers construct moral order in a capitalist system that demands flexibility. Snyder argues that new scheduling techniques, employment strategies, and technologies disrupt the flow and trajectory of working life, transforming how workers experience time. Work can feel both liberating and terrorizing, engrossing in the short term but unsustainable in the long term.
● The Vanishing American Dream: Immigration, Population, Debt, Scarcity
By Virginia Deane Abernethy
Summary via publisher (Transaction)
The United States has gone off track, allowing domestic and foreign aid policies to be co-opted by a government—abetted by mass media—that serves special interests rather than the greater national good. Americans’ tendencies to trust, play fair, and help have been abused and require replacement by a realistic outlook. The Vanishing American Dream posits solutions to get America back on the right track.
● The Five Life Decisions: How Economic Principles and 18 Million Millennials Can Guide Your Thinking
By Robert T. Michael
Summary via publisher (Chicago University Press)
Choices matter. And in your teens and twenties, some of the biggest life decisions come about when you feel the least prepared to tackle them. Economist Robert T. Michael won’t tell you what to choose. Instead, he’ll show you how to make smarter choices. Michael focuses on five critical decisions we all face about college, career, partners, health, and parenting. He uses these to demonstrate how the science of scarcity and choice—concepts used to guide major business decisions and shape national legislation—can offer a solid foundation for our own lives. Employing comparative advantage can have a big payoff when picking a job. Knowing how to work the marketplace can minimize uncertainty when choosing a partner. And understanding externalities—the ripple of results from our actions—can clarify the if and when of having children.
● Breaking the WTO: How Emerging Powers Disrupted the Neoliberal Project
By Kristen Hopewell
Summary via publisher (Stanford University Press)
The world economic order has been upended by the rise of the BRIC nations and the attendant decline of the United States’ international influence. In Breaking the WTO, Kristen Hopewell provides a groundbreaking analysis of how these power shifts have played out in one of the most important theaters of global governance: the World Trade Organization.
● One Currency, Two Europes: Towards a Dual Eurozone
By Bruno Dallago
Summary via publisher (World Scientific)
The aftermath of the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 saw its influence spread around the world, including Europe. The European crisis turned out to be longer, deeper and more resilient than anticipated. An unexpected consequence was the increasingly divergent economic and financial situation of two main groups of countries within the Eurozone, which includes the countries that adopt the euro as their common currency. The divergence was caused by a number of factors, fundamentally stemming from the dissimilar economic and financial situation of its member countries and from the incomplete institutional architecture and the monetary and fiscal policies in the Eurozone. One Currency, Two Europes: Towards a Dual Eurozone seeks to explore these factors which give rise to the Eurozone’s asymmetric composition and the growing difficulties and ineffectiveness that policies meet. It presents evidence to show how the presently incomplete institutional architecture of the Eurozone is the main reason for the extreme detrimental effects of the international crisis and austerity policies, along with the asymmetric economic situation and the insufficient mutual trust demonstrated by the vulnerable as well as resilient countries.
● Destructive Creation: American Business and the Winning of World War II
By Mark R. Wilson
Summary via publisher (University of Pennsylvania Press)
During World War II, the United States helped vanquish the Axis powers by converting its enormous economic capacities into military might. Producing nearly two-thirds of all the munitions used by Allied forces, American industry became what President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “the arsenal of democracy.” Crucial in this effort were business leaders. Some of these captains of industry went to Washington to coordinate the mobilization, while others led their companies to churn out weapons. In this way, the private sector won the war—or so the story goes. Based on new research in business and military archives, Destructive Creation shows that the enormous mobilization effort relied not only on the capacities of private companies but also on massive public investment and robust government regulation. This public-private partnership involved plenty of government-business cooperation, but it also generated antagonism in the American business community that had lasting repercussions for American politics.