Book Bits: 21 November 2020

How I Invest My Money: Finance experts reveal how they save, spend, and invest
Joshua Brown and Brian Portnoy
Interview with co-author (Brown) via NPR
Do you ever wonder how some of the world’s top financial advisors invest their own money?
If so, you aren’t the only one. Last summer, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management Josh Brown wrote a blog post titled How I Invest My Own Money that went viral in the finance and investment community.
Turns out, people are really curious as to how successful investors build their personal portfolios.
This blog post eventually turned into a book with Brian Portnoy called How I Invest My Money: Finance experts reveal how they save, spend, and invest where top investors share their personal investment strategies.

Philanthropy: From Aristotle to Zuckerberg
Paul Vallely
Review via UK Fundraising
Author and journalist, Paul Vallely (Pope Francis: Untying the Knots and co-writer of Bob Geldolf’s autobiography Is That It?) aims in his in-depth analysis to reunite the spiritual dimension of philanthropy together with modern philanthropy. This is where big businessmen, who have made huge fortunes in the high-tech world, are pursuing a kind of philanthropy which is top-down, fact-driven and very much to do with data and measurements. Ultimately, the author questions whether we have lost sight of the spiritual roots of true philanthropy in pursuit of big business efficiency that is secretly shaping our world.

Money and Society: A Critical Companion
Axel T. Paul
Summary via publisher (Pluto Press)
This is a comprehensive, critical introduction to the sociology of money, covering many currently taught topics, from the origins of money to its function today. Though our coins, bank notes and electronic tokens do function as means of exchange, money is in fact a social, intangible institution. This book argues that money does indeed rule the world. Exploring the unlikely origins of money in early societies and amidst the first civilisations, the book moves onto its inherent liaison with finance, including the logic of financial markets. Turning to the contemporary politics of money, monetary experiments and reform initiatives such as Bitcoin and positive money, it finally reveals the essentially monetary constitution of modern society itself.

Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond (2nd ed.)
Bruce C. Greenwald, et al.
Summary via publisher (Wiley)
The first edition was published in 2001. It is still in print, having sold over 100,000 copies. It has been translated into five languages. Business school professors still assign it in their courses. But in the 20 years since the first edition, the economy has changed, the investment world has evolved, and the discipline of value investing has adapted to this new environment. This second edition responds to these developments. It extends and refines an approach to investing that began with Benjamin Graham and David Dodd during the Great Depression and was adapted by Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, and others to earn returns in an environment in which the opportunity to buy a stock worth a dollar for 50 cents is no longer waiting in plain sight.

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