Daily Archives: July 22, 2023

Book Bits: 22 July 2023

You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back
Carol Roth
Interview with author via Hidden Forces
The argument that Carol makes in the book is that we are on the precipice of a new financial world order, one that will fundamentally change the fortunes of hundreds of millions if not billions of people across the western world. How this new financial world order is being brought about and the role being played by international organizations, governments, and multinational corporations in facilitating it forms a large part of today’s conversation. The second part of the episode examines the deeper technological, socio-cultural, and spiritual forces that are driving peoples awakening. This part of the discussion focuses on how to differentiate betwen the fear-mongering misdirection of many media entrepreneurs and other, more credible sources of information, as well as what we can do to fight back by regaining control over our finances, over our lives, and over the narratives that define our reality.

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