As financial markets sink, the relative allure of expected returns rises. Deciding how soon, if ever, investors can capture these forecasts in the real world is open for debate, but the winds appear to be supportive for earning relatively higher returns in the long run.
Daily Archives: September 6, 2022
Macro Briefing: 6 September 2022
* Russia will not resume gas flows to Europe until “collective West” lifts sanctions
* OPEC+ announces small cut in oil production
* Liz Truss is UK’s new prime minister, replacing Boris Johnson
* Russia sees risk of dire economic outlook via private internal report to gov’t
* Eurozone economic activity falls for second month due to weaker demand
* China announces another cut in forex reserve ratio to support the yuan
* CVS Health will buy in-home health-care company Signify Health for $8 billion
* Japanese yen falls to 24-year low vs. US dollar: