Daily Archives: March 23, 2022

Profiling The Key Macro Drivers For The US Labor Market

Morningstar recently observed that accurately assessing the directional strength or weakness of the US labor market requires a broad review of factors. Correctly advising in December that the weak print for the then-current payrolls report (November) was “likely just a blip given strength,” based on a more expansive read of economic data. The analysis inspires a deeper look into macro factors in search of perspective to the question: What’s relevant (or not) for evaluating labor market activity?

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Macro Briefing: 23 March 2022

* US and allies to unveil new Russia sanctions as Biden visits Europe this week
* Is it time for NATO to take a more direct response to Russia’s war on Ukraine?
* Will the war in Ukraine disrupt Europe’s shift to clean energy?
* Global bond market posts biggest drawdown on record (since 1990)
* US gasoline prices rise at fastest pace on record
* UK inflation reaches new multi-decade high, driven by energy prices
* Fed funds futures predicts 60%-plus probability of 1/2 point rate hike in May
* US 10yr Treasury yield continues rising, reaching highest since May 2019: