Commodities remained the best-performing asset class by far last week for the major asset classes, based on a set of ETFs through Friday’s close (Mar. 4). The ongoing Ukraine war is the catalyst and for the immediate future more of the same appears to be the likely path ahead.
Daily Archives: March 7, 2022
Macro Briefing: 7 March 2022
* US and European officials discussing plans for Ukrainian government in exile
* US talking with allies re: banning imports of Russian oil, says US Sec. of State
* West resists calls from Ukraine for establishing a no-fly zone
* US walks fine line supplying arms to Ukraine and avoiding direct conflict
* Ukraine war will shock food supply and cost, warns exec at fertilizer firm
* Average US gasoline price tops $4 a gallon, highest since 2008
* Forecasters increasingly cautious on US economic outlook
* US payrolls rebounded in February, rising well above the consensus forecast: