A broad measure of commodities rose for a third straight week as stocks around the world tumbled in trading through Friday’s close (Jan. 21), based on a set of ETFs tracking the major asset classes.
Daily Archives: January 24, 2022
Macro Briefing: 24 January 2022
* Ukraine receives second weapons shipment from US amid Russia threat
* US considers moving troops to Eastern Europe and Baltics to counter Russia
* US and UK withdrawing staff from Ukraine embassies
* US food supply under pressure as Omicron exacerbates worker shortages
* Eurozone growth slows to an 11-month low in January via PMI survey data
* German economy shows resilience in January despite weaker Eurozone trend
* The Fed may be forced to hike rates four times this year, Goldman Sachs advises
* US Treasury market inflation forecasts remain below recent peaks: