The US stock market continued to defy gravity and edged up on Monday. The S&P 500 posted its eighth straight daily gain, marking its longest rally since 2017. Meanwhile, another milestone for the market’s bullish momentum is unfolding, based on the length of the increase in equity prices since the end of the last recession. Assuming that the current economic expansion continues through June, the current post-recession rally for the S&P 500 is on track for a record-setting endurance run.
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Daily Archives: April 9, 2019
Macro Briefing: 9 April 2019
US may add new tariffs on EU goods in response to Airbus subsidies: Reuters
Federal judge blocks Trump policy of forcing asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico: Fox
UK’s May to meet with leaders of France and Germany re: Brexit on Tues: MW
Cases of measles recorded in US rose 100% last week: USA Today
Fed says monetary tightening isn’t squeezing economy: CNBC
US factory orders fell in Feb–fourth slide in last five months: MW
US stocks market (S&P 500) up for an eighth straight session: MW