The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield edged up to 3.08% on Tuesday (May 15), marking a new seven-year high, based on daily data published by The implied inflation forecast via Treasuries continued to advance as well, signaling that the market is pricing in firmer pricing pressure in the months ahead.
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Daily Archives: May 16, 2018
Macro Briefing: 16 May 2018
N. Korea cancels talks with Seoul, raising doubts about Trump meeting: Reuters
Deadly explosion at California medical facility may be intentional act: CNN
IEA cuts outlook for global oil demand in 2018: Bloomberg
US retail sales rose 0.3% in April, marking 2nd monthly gain: MarketWatch
US homebuilder confidence strengthens in May: MarketWatch
NY Fed manufacturing index posts stronger growth in May: 24/7 Wall St
No change in US business inventories in March: Reuters
Japan’s economy contracts in Q1, first decline in two years: Bloomberg
10-year Treasury yield rises to seven-year high: CNBC