Does history offer a reason to be cautious on the outlook for stocks if inflation and interest rates are rising? Yes, sort of, according to a New York Times article published on Thursday.
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Daily Archives: February 16, 2018
Macro Briefing: 16 February 2018
Global stocks on track for best weekly gain since 2011: Reuters
US industrial production slips in Jan, first slide in 5 months: MarketWatch
US producer prices rise in Jan — another sign of firming inflation: WSJ
Jobless claims in US rise after touching a near-45-year low: Reuters
NY Fed manufacturing index dips modestly in Feb: RTT
Philly Fed index points to firmer growth for manufacturing in Feb: RTT
Builder confidence in US remained high in Feb: HousingWire
History suggests caution for stocks when rates and inflation rise: NY Times
A study of financial advisors’ personal investing habits reveal poor decisions: SSRN
2-year Treasury yield edges up to 2.19%, highest since 2008: