Daily Archives: August 19, 2017

Book Bits | 19 August 2017

Big Money Thinks Small: Biases, Blind Spots, and Smarter Investing
By Joel Tillinghast
Summary via publisher (Columbia University Press)
Investors are tempted daily by misleading or incomplete information. They may make a lucky bet, realize a sizable profit, and find themselves full of confidence. Their next high-stakes gamble might backfire, not only hitting them in the balance sheet but also taking a mental and emotional toll. Even veteran investors can be caught off guard: a news item may suddenly cause havoc for an industry they’ve invested in; crowd mentality among fellow investors may skew the market; a CEO may turn out to be unprepared to effectively guide a company. How can one stay focused in such a volatile profession? If you can’t trust your past successes to plan and predict, how can you avoid risky situations in the future?
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