Monthly Archives: March 2016

The Dynamic Duo Of Risk Factors: Part II

Last week’s post on analyzing US equity value and momentum risk premia ended with a question: How much, if any, improvement should we expect by adding a dynamic system for managing exposure to these risk factors vs. a buy-and-hold strategy? What follows is a preliminary effort in searching for an answer. As a preview, the results are mixed, but this may be an artifact of a) focusing on value and momentum factors within the US equity space;  b) using a specific definition of value and momentum (via Professor Ken French’s data library), which merely scratches the surface for modeling possibilities; and c) applying a simple tactical model that may be responsive to parameter changes for enhancing results.
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Initial Guidance | 31 March 2016

● ADP reports 200,000 US private-sector jobs added in Mar | MarketWatch
● US mortgage apps fall 1%, dragged down by fewer refinances | CNBC
● US Hiring Remains Lively in March | MNI
● OECD Lowers Its Forecast for Global Growth This Year | NY Times
● The Stock Market Doesn’t Believe Janet Yellen | Fortune

ADP: US Private Payrolls Rise By A Respectable 200,000 In March

US companies added 200,000 jobs last month (seasonally adjusted), according to this morning’s update of the ADP Employment Report. Although March’s gain was slightly below the previous month’s increase, today’s release suggests that the year-over-year trend for private-sector job creation is settling in to a low-2% trend–a pace that’s strong enough, if sustained, to keep the US recovery on track.
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US Financial-System Risk Eases After Reaching 4-Year High

Financial stress in the US economy has ticked lower in recent weeks after jumping to a four-year high in February. The Cleveland Fed’s multi-factor benchmark is still elevated by historical standards, but this daily measure of distress in the financial system has fallen moderately through most of this month to date. Risk levels have also pulled back in March via two other financial stress indexes published by regional Fed banks.
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ADP Employment Report: March 2016 Preview

Private nonfarm payrolls in the US are projected to increase by 178,000 (seasonally adjusted) in March over the previous month in tomorrow’s update of the ADP Employment Report, based on The Capital Spectator’s average point forecast for several econometric estimates. The average projection reflects a moderately lesser increase vs. February’s gain.
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The US Stock Market’s Acid Test Begins… Now

If the bear-market label doesn’t apply to the US stock market, the evidence will be forthcoming in weeks ahead. But that’s a high bar at the moment. The rally in recent weeks has recovered most of the year-to-date losses, but a bigger test awaits: regaining the strategic momentum that’s been MIA since last summer. The odds for success don’t look encouraging, leaving tactically minded investors with a simple question: Do you feel lucky?
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US Consumer Spending & Income Growth Slow In February

US personal income and spending ticked higher in February, but the year-over-year growth trend slowed on both counts, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reports. There’s still a positive trend in the numbers—enough to keep the economy expanding for the near-term future, but today’s numbers leave little room for arguing that growth is set to accelerate after what’s shaping up as a sluggish first quarter.
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