Several pieces of the major asset classes rebounded sharply last week, based on a set of representative ETFs. But the revival wasn’t strong enough to wipe away the red ink for the trailing one-year period. For the second week in a row all the major asset classes are posting varying degrees of loss over the last 12 months when measured in total returns through Jan 22.
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Daily Archives: January 25, 2016
Initial Guidance | 25 January 2016
● Chicago Fed Nat’l Activity Index Confirms Below-Avg US Growth | 24/7 Wall St
● US Mfg PMI rebounds in Jan, led by rise in new orders | Markit
● US home resales rebounded strongly in Dec from 19mo low | Reuters
● US Leading Index slips in Dec but still signals moderate growth | Bloomberg
● German Ifo: Business sentiment at nearly year low in Jan | MarketWatch
● Oil falls 3% on Mon on swelling oversupply | Reuters