Daily Archives: January 16, 2014

US Industrial Production: December 2013 Preview

US industrial production in December is projected to increase by 0.4% vs. the previous month in tomorrow’s release from the Federal Reserve, according to The Capital Spectator’s median econometric forecast. The projected gain represents a sharp deceleration vs. the previously reported 1.1% rise for November. Meanwhile, the Capital Spectator’s median projection for December is slightly higher than three consensus forecasts based on recent surveys of economists.
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US Housing Starts: December 2013 Preview

Housing starts are expected to total 1.023 million in tomorrow’s update for December, based on The Capital Spectator’s median econometric forecast (seasonally adjusted annual rate). The projection represents a modest decline vs. the previously reported 1.091 million for November. Meanwhile, the Capital Spectator’s median estimate for December is above a trio of consensus estimates based on recent surveys of economists.
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Jobless Claims Fell Again Last Week

New filings for unemployment benefits inched lower last week, dropping for the second week in a row. The decline of 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 326,000 for the week through January 11 is a welcome sign, of course. But the trend looks a bit sluggish lately, raising questions about the potential for stronger growth in the labor market in the months ahead.
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US Equities: Performance Review | 16 Jan 2014

The US stock market continues to set new highs, but the bull market in equities comes in a variety of flavors. Yes, prices are higher across the board, but there’s a fair amount of variation to the party. The implication: the opportunity to add value with rebalancing within the equity allocation is knocking. Before we open the door, let’s take a peek at the possibilities by carving up US stocks into three buckets based on market capitalization, style (value vs. growth), and sectors. Our tour guides: a set of ETFs based on the trailing 250-trading-day total return (roughly the equivalent of 1-year performance).
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