
The Capital Spectator publishes two newsletters:

The ETF Portfolio Strategist (ETF-PS) is published at: The newsletter’s focus is quantifying trending behavior for ETFs. For details on the methodology, see this summary.

The US Business Cycle Risk Report (US-BCRR) is available on a subscriber-only basis. The weekly newsletter monitors and evaluates recession risk for the United States, based on a methodology outlined in Nowcasting The Business Cycle: A Practical Guide For Spotting Business Cycle Peaks. US-BCRR’s econometric framework analyzes a broad set of economic and financial indicators to estimate the probability that an NBER-defined recession has started. For additional perspective, each issue also reviews the Chicago Fed National Activity Index, the Philly Fed’s ADS Business Conditions Index, and a markets-based estimate of recession risk. The newsletter is published weekly—a pdf file is emailed to subscribers every weekend. In periods of unusually volatile economic conditions, US-BCRR may be published more frequently. Here’s a recent sample:

Sample issue: 3 Aug. 2024

Subscribers also receive receive monthly updates of The US Inflation Trend Chartbook (see here for a sample copy).

Subscribe with a major credit card or PayPal account. Please choose your subscription preference: 1 month, 3 months, or 1 year.

US Business Cycle Risk Report